Andreas Passmark leaves the band

NEWS – changes ahead.
Many of You may have noticed that Narnia’s long time bass player, Andreas Passmark, has had a break from all live performances, video shoots and other activities during 2016.
We regret to announce that Andreas has made the decision to not return to Narnia. As much as this is sad news for everyone, we respect his decision and hereby thank him for his many years of thundering service in the band.
Best of luck for the future Andreas, and be blessed!
Christian, Andreas, Martin and CJ.
PLEASE READ Andreas’ own statement below:
“It is with a heavy heart I have decided to leave Narnia. It’s a decision that’s been brewing inside me for some time now. It’s hard to answer the question why I’m leaving, but I just feel that I need to continue my musical journey elsewhere.
I want to thank the guys for my 15 years with the band. What a journey we have had!!! And I will always remember it with a smile on my face I will still, of course, consider you to be among my closest friends.
In my own future, I will continue rocking with my main band Royal Hunt and other projects. If you want to follow me in the future, please check out my Official Andreas Passmark FB page.
I want to wish the Narnians good luck and continue the mission to spread the word of Jesus Christ! God Bless You All! You will always be in my heart!
TCGB Andreas”